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Our Sectors

Digital & Technology

All businesses need sustainable business strategies supported by technology and digital to accomplish financial goals, transform and compete successfully. This includes AI, data analytics, cloud computing or the Internet of Things (IoT). CFBL is committed to robustly managing risk and maximising business benefits.

Rail & Transport

With increased cost, complexity and risk on rail infrastructure assets, projects and construction contracts, the need for a cost assurance strategy is vital to optimising costs, sustainable value, and investment return. 

Water & Highways

The importance of water infrastructure in supplying clean water to millions of homes and businesses is existential. While highway and road infrastructure is key in transporting goods, and passengers and accessibility to essential and ancillary services.


Investment in sustainable and high-quality infrastructure managed efficiently over the project life cycle, will contribute to economic development, the achievement of ESG objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Energy & Power

For over a decade, CFBL has been working with leaders on infrastructure projects. We are delivering projects in renewable energy and nuclear sectors. We are responsive to energy price changes, and investor and stakeholder demand. 

Contact us

25 Clarendon Road, Redhill, Surrey, UK, RH1 1QZ | T: 01737 452323  | 07951 722554 | E: [email protected]

Registered in England and Wales | Registration No.7524623